Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
The bike
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
The bike in B&W
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
The Bike 3
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
Brave Adventurer
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
It CAN be done
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
Solid Evidence
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
a BARRIER separates them!
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
I-90 at edge of Bellevue
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
On approach of Mt. Baker Tunnel
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
Bellevue from Seattle side
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
Bellevue from Seattle side of Lake Washington
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
Mt. Baker Tunnel entrance (east end)
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
Mt. Baker Tunnel entrance (east end)
Mr. Steve and his fascinating photos:
Mt. Baker Tunnel entrance (west end)