Gary Thom: Reality
Gary Thom: Golden Marina
Gary Thom: Bellport Community Center
Gary Thom: Bellport Village Hall
Gary Thom: A lane
Gary Thom: Tree
Gary Thom: Rescue
Gary Thom: Crab Claw
Gary Thom: Gull
Gary Thom: Seeds
Gary Thom: Radar
Gary Thom: Reflections
Gary Thom: Bambi
Gary Thom: No, this is my best side
Gary Thom: Closeup
Gary Thom: Awwwww
Gary Thom: Fuzzy Duck!
Gary Thom: Helloooooo
Gary Thom: Bad Hair, err feather day
Gary Thom: You looking at me?
Gary Thom: No actually, this is my best side.
Gary Thom: Cute!
Gary Thom: I have been to makeup!
Gary Thom: Well hi!
Gary Thom: Warning!
Gary Thom: Prehistoric