♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: A heart in love with beauty never grows old
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: ~ A Mother's Heart is always with her Children ~
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: The radiance in some places is so great as to be fairly dazzling . . . every crystal, every flower a window opening into heaven, a mirror reflecting the Creator.
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: What is lovely never dies, But passes into other loveliness, Star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air...
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Each moment of the year has its own beauty . . .
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: The day the Lord created Hope was probably the same day He created Spring
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: "Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night."
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Here deathless love and passion sleep......
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Everytime you go, you take a little piece of my heart........
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Of all the flowers, I love wildflowers the most. They are so intricate and colorful. Maybe God made them small so we would have to seek them out, spend a little time with them and really look at them closely to discover their beauty.
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Have I told you lately that I love you.........
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: So fall asleep love,
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: And Spring arose on the garden fair,
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Nature is man's teacher. She unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eye, illumes his mind, and purifies his heart; an influence breathes from all the sights and sounds of her existence.
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: ~~~ In a Garden in the Spring, Flowers bloom and Bluebirds sing ~~~
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold.....
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Amor, Amour, Amore ..........
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: I had a dream of rose tipped petals......
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: ~~~ The love we give away is the only love we keep ~~~
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: She wore a wreath of roses.......
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: It was not in the winter, our loving lot was cast. It was the time of roses, we pluck'd them as we pass'd.
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers.
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: Beauty is a gift from God.
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: ~I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape - the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show. ~
♥ artkat0116 ♥ away: I wish I might a rose-bud grow And thou wouldst cull me from the bower. To place me on that breast of snow Where I should bloom a wintry flower