after3d: Lunch before the party
after3d: Jeff choose a good karma
after3d: Cole and Meagan! :D
after3d: The Crowd starts lining up
after3d: More Crowds coming
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: Stamp duty
after3d: Stamp Duty
after3d: Stamp Duty
after3d: Stamp Crazy Duty
after3d: Stamp Duty
after3d: Young kid .... with their parents at inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: More Crowds ...
after3d: More Crowds ..
after3d: and more crowds
after3d: Another Stamp Duty
after3d: inFamous2 in big Theater Screen.
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: No more seats available?
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: Front Desk Duty.
after3d: Signature request from inFamous2 fan
after3d: inFamous2 Launch Party
after3d: The first inFamous2's Fan who win the figurine.