AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Alumni Celebration, Washington, DC, March 7, 2015
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Brooke C. Stoddard, Rolland Lang
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Allison Turner, G. Taylor Johsnon
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Casey McAlpin, Michaela Bowers, Ruth Blackstock
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Jenny and Mike Messner
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Jenny Messner, Michaela Bowers, Mike Messner
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Sarah Lorya, Lisa George, John Duban, Judy Weyand, Anne and Bob Herendeen
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Paul L. Thompson (right)
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Kathy Scheimer (center)
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Geoffrey Kinsey, Keri Dooley
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Mary Ann Offer, Umberto Neri
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Deanna Douglas, Gloria Gonzalez-Micklin, Mert Kayan
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Umberto Neri, Deanna Douglas, Gloria Gonzalez-Micklin, Marianne & Mert Kayan
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Deanna Douglas, Gloria Gonzalez-Micklin
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
A toast to the Centennial of the American Field Service
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
A toast to the Centennial o f the American Field Service
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Keri Dooley (left)
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Jorge Castro
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Casey McAlpin (left)
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Amanda Dennen, Janine Farhat, Heidi Russell-Kalkofen
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Keri Dooley, Julia Vollmers
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Kristin Kayer, Scott Nestler, Judy Weyand
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Caroline Fader, Geoffrey Kimsey
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Kathleen McNabb (center)
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Chris Mohn, Froskhan Abdurahim
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Chris Mohn, Jill Brethauer, Kathy Reddick Scheimer
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Chris Mohn, Kathy Reddick Scheimer, Bonnie Guerra, Froskhan Abdurahim, Jill Brethauer