AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Welcome to the AFS-USA Capital Party
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
National Press Club
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Julie Wymann, Host Family; Alexander Lintz, Returnee; Jorge Castro, AFS-USA President
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Naznin Urmi, AFS Participant
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Julia Vollmers, AFS Returnee
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Bob Rushing, Volunteer
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Rachel Lostumbo, AFS Staff; Susan Isaac, School Without Walls
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
John Macgregor, Host Family; Tsugiko Scullion, Board Member and Returnee
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Mary Porterfield, Board Member; Michael MacMurray, Returnee
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Bob and Anne Herendeen, Board Member; Melinda Golub & Julia Vollmers, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Liz & Julie Lostumbo, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Daniel Robinson, Michael O'Hanlan, John Hanson, & Betty McManus, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Gloria Gonzalez-Micklin & Yvonne Thayer, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
David Thomas; Merrily Watters Thomas, Returnee; Mary Aldacushion, Returnee; Bill Aldacushion
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Amie Hernandez, Alexander Lintz & Julie Wyman, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Jennie Schmalzle & Andrew Winegrad, AFS Staff; Chloe Eberly, Returnee; Henry Arevalo, Volunteer
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Camilla Pirovano, AFS Participant
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Cornelius Fleischhaker, Returnee
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Chana Hays, Volunteer; Naznin Urmi & Kobe Garmyn, AFS Participants
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
John Otjen & Michael MacMurray, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Bar Scene
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
John Moore, Returnee
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Rebecca Sherouse, Returnee
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Young AFSers
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Susan Spain & John Hanson, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Allison Turner, Returnee; Chana Hays, Chair of DC Area Team
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Tsugiko Scullion, Board Member; Deborah Reguera, Host Parent
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Deborah Katz & Sarah Butt, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Sue Snediker Newman & Melissa E. Carter, Returnees
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs:
Sarah Yancey & Sara Fitzgerald, Returnees