AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Mountains - Emily, 2006-07 Semester Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: What's that Behind You? Chelsea, 2008-09 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: AFS France 2005 - The Luvre
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: AFS France 2005 - AFSers Unite!
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: AFS France 2005 - Eiffel Tower
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: The Arc, Paris - Chelsea 2008-2009 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Host Family Chateau: 2008 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Streetlights - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Great Shot of the River - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Beautiful Day in France! Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Inside a Cathedral - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Emily, Semester France Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Morning at the River - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: AFS Friends - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: The River - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: French Cart - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: French Countryside - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: At dusk - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Studying! Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Gardents - Emily, Semester Program 2006-07
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Notre Dame, 2008-09 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: French Architecture, 2008-09 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: From Below, 2008-09 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Class Photo! 2008-09 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Sea Horses, France 2008-09 Year Program
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: French Beach, 2009 Spring Semester
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Beautiful countryside, 2009 Spring Semester
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Through the Gates, 2009 Spring Semester
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: Great Shot, France 2009 Spring Semester
AFS-USA Intercultural Programs: On the Coast, 2009 Spring Semester