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albums of AFSC-SENE
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Protest of Ray Kelly at Brown University
Boycott! Poster Exhibit
RI Heritage Festival
Providence march for humane immigration reform
May Day Providence 2013
RISD - Divest from Fossil Fuels NOW
Center for Nonviolent Solutions
RI's men's homeless shelter
Botany Bay wage theft demonstration
Homelessness in RI
Day of the Migrant:RI calls for driver's licenses for all
RI Jobs with Justice Awards dinner
Human Rights Day
welcoming Milford at Santa parade
Welcoming Milford MA at CROP walk
justice for janitors
Oct. 7 Anniv. of war in Afghanistan
End of youth curfew ordinance
Providence World Heritage Festiva;
Worcester Interfaith response to violence
Windows and Mirrors/Imaging Peace Provi
FGC Living our Values workshop
DARE Eviction Blockade training
Responding to gun violence in Providence
oaxaca trip3
oaxaca trip 2
oaxaca trip
Tiata Carnival
Gov. Chafee stop breaking our hearts
Just Cause/Right to Rent rally
Support for In State Tuition for all RI grads
Occupy Cape Cod Jan 2012
Day of the Migrant RI events
Protesting War Profiteer Textron
DARE/OP Foreclosure Protest
occupy providence ri
Signs from Occupy Wall St/Providence etc
CNVS Densmore event
March of the Dead, 10th Anniv. of war on Afghanistan
Walking Meditation for Peace at Waterfire
Eyes Wide Open boots at US Coast Guard Academy
Todos Somos AZ meeting with Rep. Cicilini
Verizon Stike Rally Aug 19
Todos Somos AZ Meeting with RI AG Kilmartin
Pastors for Peace Providence
Protesting AG Kilmartin's support for SComm
mayday (1)
performance at PrYSM
Protesting Wells Fargo Foreclosure Auction
MLK RI Unity Day
MLK Day Providence
Art for Peace Silent Auction Dec. 4
Alto Arizona visit to Chafee's campaign office
Demostrations greeting Obama in Providence
March of the Dead, 9th anniversary of invasion of Afghanistan
One Nation Working Together for Peace and Justice
Workers Rights VS Corporate Greed
gay pride march fy2010
July 29 Immigration action
July 29 Immigration action
Gaza solidarity demonstration
Bristol Community College Eyes Wide Open