AFSC Photos: Myanmar (Burma)—Poor children who can’t afford state schools can get a basic education at schools started by Buddhist monasteries. To date, AFSC has helped train about 40 abbots in school management.
AFSC Photos: Baltimore—AFSC’s Miafere “Mia” Jones uses games, discussions, role-playing, and other activities to help youth in two after-school programs find common ground and peaceful resolution to conflict.
AFSC Photos: Haiti—With a goal of changing a culture of violence in schools into a culture of peace, AFSC works with the St. Charles Borromee School to train teachers in mediation and conflict transformation skills.
AFSC Photos: Atlanta—Music, school supplies, and guidance on how to nonviolently respond to challenges in the upcoming year were shared at a back-to-school party for K–12 students. AFSC’s work includes helping youth explore nonmilitary options for after high school.
AFSC Photos: Pittsburgh—Each year, high school students implement a project to create change in their community as part of their exploration of racial inequality and human rights. In 2011, they successfully petitioned Pittsburgh to declare itself a Human Rights City.
AFSC Photos: Los Angeles—Lincoln High School students asked AFSC to help create a Peace Garden at their school. Due to budget cuts, they’d lost most opportunities to learn outside the classroom while their class sizes doubled. (Learn more in Quaker Action this fall.)
AFSC Photos: St. Louis—AFSC’s new peace education program starts its work this fall, led by native son Joshua Saleem. He says that youth face limited resources and violence, but their resiliency and a culture of family in schools are strengths on which AFSC can build.
AFSC Photos: Kayford, W.Va.—Students from neighboring Maryland visited mountaintop removal sites during a service trip that included community gardening and flood cleanup. Both of AFSC’s West Virginia programs gave lessons on economic justice in the state.