AFSC Photos: PC280223
AFSC Photos: Resilience in Zimbabwe
AFSC Photos: PC270212
AFSC Photos: Gary's Garden 002
AFSC Photos: Amazing Rose Street garden
AFSC Photos: Stop Violence Campaign in East Aceh
AFSC Photos: P3300541
AFSC Photos: P3300548
AFSC Photos: Zimbabwe
AFSC Photos: DSC00020
AFSC Photos: P1010022
AFSC Photos: P1010034
AFSC Photos: P1010023
AFSC Photos: North Korea
AFSC Photos: IMG_4434
AFSC Photos: spirituality workshop held by AFSC and An-Nisaa Center in Banda Aceh
AFSC Photos: Pak Saifullah (center) participating in a trauma healing and spritually workshop
AFSC Photos: 5-Moslem,Christian,Catholic students sing together for peace in Ambon
AFSC Photos: 3-Mrs Erna-A Woman headed household
AFSC Photos: Umme Salamah-looking towards a peacefull future for Aceh
AFSC Photos: IMG_4371
AFSC Photos: Espungabera 373
AFSC Photos: School for teachers
AFSC Photos: P1010034
AFSC Photos: P1010029