AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: retirees-listening-1
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: tina smith speaking to retirees
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: retirees-listening-2
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: retiree beans judie atkins and jean birtnen
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: retiree beans 5 FINAL
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: reitree beans overall
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: retirees counting beans
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: retiree shirt ronald krueger
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: retiree beans overall FINAL
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: Jim-Voytilla,-Dotty-Danley,-Therese-Cowl-and-Laura-Askelin-phone-bank-training-web
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: Jerry-Serfling,-Jeff-Dains-and-Theresa-St.-Aoro-web
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: Janice-Orr,-Richard-Swerdlick,-Bob-Mayer,-Ron-Krueger,-Jim-Voytilla,-Dotty-Danley,-Therese-Cowl-web
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: Theresa-St.-Aoro-and-Jerry-Serfling-door-knock-web
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: Jeff-Dains,-Theresa-St.-Aoro-and-Jerry-Serfling-door-knock-web
AFSCME Council 5 Minnesota: Ron-Krueger-and-Judie-Atkins-web