AFresh1: Here we go, #peppers are #pickling
AFresh1: Who's looking forward to #ghostpeppers ?
AFresh1: Time for more Pico de Gallo mostly from the garden
AFresh1: Drying some #peppers in preparation for VMBrasseur 's #harissa recipe
AFresh1: This weekend must be time for more salsa as well as #jalapeño and #habanero #hotsauce
AFresh1: One blender full of habenero
AFresh1: Checking in on the #ghostpeppers
AFresh1: This habenero plant is doing quite the job. As are the other three.
AFresh1: Not quite sure what to do with this #habanero harvest
AFresh1: Not quite sure what to do with this #habanero harvest
AFresh1: Finally got all the #peppers picked. So much left to do.
AFresh1: 8 jars of lemon drop, 4 of ghost pepper, 14 habenero jelly and unseen, habenero and thai orange fermenting.
AFresh1: Turns out it's still #pepper season
AFresh1: So many dried #peppers