AFresh1: Airplane flying on or way to Burning Man
AFresh1: Not even to Black Rock City yet! #brc2010
AFresh1: Seems we must need to finish #Airstream projects and work on getting packed up to head into #brc2010
AFresh1: Don't miss it!
AFresh1: I can make out the sign!
AFresh1: There was a bit of a line behind us.
AFresh1: Welcome Home!
AFresh1: The view from our camp
AFresh1: Neighbors across the street.
AFresh1: The view from the Airstream
AFresh1: I think I recognize that guy, he looks familiar but different.
AFresh1: That poor airstream!
AFresh1: Well, well, well, an octagon. I think I know someone who missed out!
AFresh1: The man during the day
AFresh1: That is a Mant Farm
AFresh1: So much to see!
AFresh1: Unbelievable how much there was.
AFresh1: Who's that lady?
AFresh1: Lovely lady.
AFresh1: Our street, and our Airstream
AFresh1: The man at the top of his building.
AFresh1: Why so sad? oh. . . .
AFresh1: Mal Mart
AFresh1: That's just their RV, not even an art car.
AFresh1: Wow, it takes a lot of balloons to levitate a person.
AFresh1: Not sure what made the giant smoke ring we could see from camp.
AFresh1: Slow Children
AFresh1: Not quite like the NYC taxis
AFresh1: I didn't get a full shot of this art car, but the warning is fantastic.
AFresh1: Getting ready for night.