afotographie: Garden tools
afotographie: Here's looking at you!
afotographie: End of the day: March 21
afotographie: Infrared buds: March 19
afotographie: Sepia splash: March 16
afotographie: Skylines: March 15
afotographie: Contrast: March 12
afotographie: Strawberries: March 6
afotographie: A bite to eat: March 2
afotographie: Creepers: February 27
afotographie: Purple abstract: February 26
afotographie: Visitors: February 13
afotographie: Branches: February 11
afotographie: Hint of tree: February 8
afotographie: Berries: February 3
afotographie: Crazy icicles! : January 25
afotographie: A winter's walk
afotographie: Snowy path
afotographie: No picnic
afotographie: Cold January rain
afotographie: Life from stone
afotographie: Fern ceiling
afotographie: Single Fern
afotographie: A blue sky morning
afotographie: Winding path
afotographie: The meadow at dusk
afotographie: Fallen
afotographie: Indian corn
afotographie: Grasses study