aforgrave: 17 #gafesummits ... and counting
aforgrave: Here, MTV didn't look MUCH different
aforgrave: We Live in a Material World
aforgrave: We Live in a Twitter World
aforgrave: Self Branding
aforgrave: We Live in a YouTube World
aforgrave: 1 Billion Served
aforgrave: We Live in a GoPro World
aforgrave: What World Do YOU Live In?
aforgrave: The Internet World Has No Net?
aforgrave: Bicycles? Diabolical?
aforgrave: Sharing? An Inconvenience?
aforgrave: First They Ignore You ...
aforgrave: ... And Then You Win!
aforgrave: Blue Sky Thinking
aforgrave: Intrinsic Motivation
aforgrave: Recipes
aforgrave: What is Wrong with PD As We Know It?
aforgrave: Resources
aforgrave: Learning Tools
aforgrave: Demo Slam: wevideo
aforgrave: Demo Slam: Planboard
aforgrave: Demo Slam: Supercharge Your Mileage Calculations
aforgrave: Demo Slam: Copy ... Pasty
aforgrave: Demo Slam: Who Needs a Landline, Anyway?
aforgrave: Demo Slam: Fix Your Black Bar
aforgrave: Demo Slam: In-App Training
aforgrave: Demo Slam: IFTTT
aforgrave: Upcoming #gafesummit locations
aforgrave: Annual #gafesummit events ...