aforgrave: Respect
aforgrave: Ready.
aforgrave: Trekking South from Our Bus to Queen's Park
aforgrave: We've Arrived!
aforgrave: How Can You Put Students First, When You Put Teachers Last?
aforgrave: Buses Arriving. Education Workers Gathering. #rally4edu 12:00-1:30 EDT August 28, 2012
aforgrave: Media ...
aforgrave: Lots of Media Here in Advance ...
aforgrave: Media Trucks Ready at the Legislature
aforgrave: Getting the Message Out
aforgrave: Media Truck and Antenna
aforgrave: Media Trucks and Antennas
aforgrave: Starting to Assemble
aforgrave: The Provincial Legislature Building
aforgrave: The Provincial Legislature Building
aforgrave: Flags, Signs, Banners, Tents, Buses, Music, and People!
aforgrave: Rally on the Front Lawn of Provincial Legislature
aforgrave: Who's Peeking Out from Behind the Curtains?
aforgrave: Negotiate! Don't Legislate. #rally4edu
aforgrave: Are You Listening, Mr. Premier?
aforgrave: Direct! Bully Then. Bully Now.
aforgrave: Buses
aforgrave: More Buses Arriving ...
aforgrave: A Sea of Red and White. Ironic.
aforgrave: The Crowd Assembles
aforgrave: Hey, Dalton! Look out your Window and See!
aforgrave: Progress Report for Dalton McGuinty
aforgrave: Canadian Flag over The Provincial Legislature
aforgrave: Canadian Flag over The Provincial Legislature
aforgrave: @Dalton_McGuinty must feel ashamed right now. #rally4edu #ONpoli