Heroine of the Time Machine:
It was a dark and stormy morning.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
-- and then we removed all the rain gutters and it immediately started raining and didn't let up for two days!
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Can't rain all the time.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Hey, gang.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Litrachur on the high seas.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
I'm on a boat.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Squeeze in
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Not paying attention at all on the phone with his mum.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Stillllll on the phone with mum...
Heroine of the Time Machine:
My awesome boat.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Curtains of cloud
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Merrily merrily merrily
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Thunderrr and lightning!
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Heroine of the Time Machine:
I'm going to be an aunt for the first time i Dec. So I buy LOTS OF LITTLE CLOTHES.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Stuff we found when we changed the roof.
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Ferge Frakt
Heroine of the Time Machine:
Couch potatooo