afagen: Assembling on 16th
afagen: March in Hebrew
afagen: It's About Time
afagen: Enough x5!!
afagen: Honk: No moRe Assault weapons
afagen: Elders for Gun Control
afagen: Starting them young
afagen: More daughters & sons, Less slaughter & guns
afagen: ENOUGH
afagen: Be the Change!
afagen: Wayne LaPierre is a terrorist
afagen: Crowds to the Capitol
afagen: Marching Pennsylvania Avenue
afagen: Gays Against Guns
afagen: Pack lunch. Not heat.
afagen: You're elected to protect us, not campaign funds
afagen: arm me with books
afagen: Ready aim fire! those who are complicit
afagen: Books not bullets
afagen: 265M guns in U.S. 38K gun deaths/yr. TOO MANY!
afagen: You can't fix stupid but you can vote it out!
afagen: The uterus is more regulated than guns
afagen: It's not about the deers; it's about the dears!
afagen: These are the only guns I need
afagen: Protect our Future
afagen: Our courts have weighed in
afagen: There is a special place in Hell for you, Wayne LaPierre
afagen: The British are NOT coming
afagen: These brave students are our future
afagen: Brave students come to the Capitol