afagen: The crowd begins to assemble
afagen: This home is your home
afagen: As-Salamu Alaykum
afagen: Liberty & Justice for All
afagen: No ban, no wall; sanctuary for all
afagen: Even the Pope is pissed!
afagen: Refugees and immigrants welcome here.
afagen: DSC_0493
afagen: Make America Kind Again
afagen: The only thing to fear is fear itself
afagen: Make America Human Again!
afagen: DSC_0498
afagen: Pro life, pro refugee, pro Muslim, pro immigrant
afagen: Refugees do not CHOOSE to leave their home
afagen: These refugees are dying for a safe life to live
afagen: Immigrants yes! Trump no
afagen: #Stop President Bannon
afagen: Let Them In
afagen: Welcome immigrants; Deport Trump!
afagen: USA still strong enough to welcome the world!
afagen: We Are All! Immigrants
afagen: Thankful for the ACLU
afagen: Supporters keep coming
afagen: Islamophobia is NOT an American value
afagen: No Ban No Wall
afagen: Trump, you are the national security threat
afagen: Supporting refugees at BWI
afagen: Silence is not an option
afagen: Refugees welcome with open arms!
afagen: DSC_0522