A.E. Wessling: ...the more things change...
A.E. Wessling: ...away from it all...
A.E. Wessling: ...we engineer, then disappear...
A.E. Wessling: ...bring on the rain...
A.E. Wessling: ...Ross Island Bridge, since 1926...
A.E. Wessling: ...flotsam...
A.E. Wessling: ...sellwood bridge, getting a makeover at the ripe old age of 87...
A.E. Wessling: ...here a bridge, there a bridge...
A.E. Wessling: ...ugly duckling...
A.E. Wessling: ...hawthorne bridge, in the rain....
A.E. Wessling: portland, tucking in for the evening
A.E. Wessling: when brawn begets beauty
A.E. Wessling: on certain bridges, i never feel alone
A.E. Wessling: taken lightly
A.E. Wessling: bridge city
A.E. Wessling: broadway from the banks
A.E. Wessling: time will tell
A.E. Wessling: nowhere to go
A.E. Wessling: steel bridge steel (I)
A.E. Wessling: steel bridge steel (II)