Aeranthes: 70 acres for the Coneflower Prairie reconstruction
Aeranthes: Coneflower Prairie site within a larger geographical context
Aeranthes: Coneflower Prairie site and Gustavus Adolphus College campus
Aeranthes: Day One! Hauling the Hill
Aeranthes: Day One! View of the hill site from the north
Aeranthes: Day One! View of the Hill Site from the Southeast Corner
Aeranthes: View of the hill from the south end of the 70 acres - day three of construction.
Aeranthes: View of the hill from the north end of the 70 acres - day three of construction.
Aeranthes: The dirt pile shrinks as Mt. Coneflower rises.
Aeranthes: Mt. Coneflower (aka "The Hill") - day 6 of construction - view from the southeast.
Aeranthes: Mt. Coneflower (aka "The Hill") - day 6 of construction, view from the northeast.
Aeranthes: The dirt pile shrinks as Mt. Coneflower rises.
Aeranthes: View of the hill from a bit south of the northern edge, November 9, 2007.
Aeranthes: This is the bluff at the southernmost end of the prairie plot.
Aeranthes: This shows the extent of the project - this photo was taken from the southernmost end of the plot. Note the earth-moving machines in the far background.
Aeranthes: One of the northern intermittently-wet areas, November 9, 2007.
Aeranthes: View of the hill from the southern edge, November 9, 2007.
Aeranthes: Thanksgivning Day, first snow of the year - machines at the northeast corner, near the dirt piles
Aeranthes: Thanksgiving Day, first snow this year - view of the hill from the north
Aeranthes: Thanksgiving Day, first snow this year - view from the top of the hill, to the east.
Aeranthes: Thanksgiving Day, first snow this year - the incipient vista
Aeranthes: thistle with a sprinkling of snow - first snow this year
Aeranthes: view to the west from the base of the hill
Aeranthes: soil near the south of the hill
Aeranthes: The Summit! View to the South from Atop Mt. Coneflower - note topography
Aeranthes: view to the northeast from near the hilltop - note landscaping
Aeranthes: View of The Hill from a Bit Up the Side of One of the Southernmost Wet Areas
Aeranthes: View to the Northeast, just Northwest of The Hill
Aeranthes: The Summit Beckons: View of the Wet Area & The Hill from Dirt Pile #2 (Nicollet Co. K2)
Aeranthes: The Hill with snow