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Quinn and Gideon by Alex E.
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Alex E.
Ponderous Giddy.
Alex E.
Quinn enjoys a warm heating pad.
Alex E.
Quinn relaxes on top of the warm oven.
Alex E.
Quinn sleeps by the fire.
Alex E.
Giddy nap
Alex E.
Gideon Learns to Climb the Ladder
Alex E.
Gideon Climbs the Ladder (2)
Alex E.
Does Gideon dream of taking naps?
Alex E.
Quinn the model
Alex E.
Quinn and Giddy Perplexed
Alex E.
More Quinn
Alex E.
Kung Fu Quinn
Alex E.
Quinn the biped
Alex E.
Some cats know how to get comfy, others don't.
Alex E.
I was only kidding about wanting to see what was behind the door!
Alex E.
There's gotta be something good in here.
Alex E.
Gideon on the hammock.
Alex E.
I can't believe they're littermates.
Alex E.
Cat dreams.
Alex E.
Gideon taking a bath
Alex E.
Quinn in a hamper
Alex E.
Quinn in a hamper 2
Alex E.
Quinn knows how to relax.
Alex E.
Look at our cute new collars.
Alex E.
Quinn learns to climb.
Alex E.
Sun-filled windows.
Alex E.
Diet Pepsi hide and go seek.
Alex E.
The laundry rack is not a jungle gym.
Alex E.
A proud and noble beast
Alex E.
Somebody found the fireplace
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