aenimation: Calatrava Bridge, 2
aenimation: sfumìno
aenimation: hoppipolla
aenimation: Luca!
aenimation: diva
aenimation: queen of storms
aenimation: filo di pensieri
aenimation: a volte sembra quasi che stia in posa
aenimation: viaggio nel tempo
aenimation: you are like sunshine, this morning
aenimation: Virtual Reality
aenimation: tutta mia la città
aenimation: eyes can laugh
aenimation: be quiet
aenimation: Mi penserai?
aenimation: dubbio
aenimation: Stripes
aenimation: prima o poi
aenimation: Zero
aenimation: pill of emptyness
aenimation: silence
aenimation: scomparire
aenimation: to love, to feel, to breathe
aenimation: apocalypse please
aenimation: dancing ghosts
aenimation: thoughts silent movement
aenimation: corre via
aenimation: End of Time