aenede: The long wait
aenede: A view outside the photagrapher's vision
aenede: Un falso cielo de cristal
aenede: Playing alone
aenede: ...Se hace camino al andar
aenede: A walk near the sea of Cadaqués
aenede: Just a moment to look back
aenede: El tiempo se detiene cuando se contempla el inmenso mar
aenede: Hidden under the sun
aenede: Dejando el mar atrás
aenede: Aferrándose a la esperanza con sus propias manos
aenede: Smoking in the darkness
aenede: Reading a book of mistery
aenede: Entrando en el plano
aenede: Specular
aenede: A reflective walk
aenede: Aislada de lo que le rodea y sola con su música
aenede: Hidden passion
aenede: Feeling blue in a grey day
aenede: It's a long ride
aenede: A path touched by the light
aenede: The unknown executive walks with his shadow
aenede: Just a moment to stop and to watch
aenede: Some silhouettes don't go alone
aenede: Keep running
aenede: Contemplation
aenede: The rider with no face
aenede: Un momento de la vida cotidiana
aenede: Waiting her turn
aenede: There is no goal without making an effort