aecsouthall: Earls Court
aecsouthall: 1971 Aveling-Barford 690 Dumptruk
aecsouthall: Great War Albion
aecsouthall: Old Bill
aecsouthall: Shell-Mex and BP Bedford
aecsouthall: Shell-Mex & BP tanker NUW984
aecsouthall: 494RKR
aecsouthall: 1971 Bedford TK XUD413J
aecsouthall: London Transport 2265B
aecsouthall: "The Iron Maiden"
aecsouthall: The Badger
aecsouthall: Crimson Lady
aecsouthall: Mister Softee
aecsouthall: RIO DAF
aecsouthall: Daimler B
aecsouthall: Hatfield's finest
aecsouthall: Douglas TK6
aecsouthall: R526 YNN
aecsouthall: 33 JCB
aecsouthall: 1959 Foden S20 LNU552
aecsouthall: R. Hazell Recovery D261YOO | Prestwood
aecsouthall: 1994 Foden M416YPW
aecsouthall: 1960 Thames Trader 28COG
aecsouthall: Ford pick ups
aecsouthall: C. 1915 FWD Lorry
aecsouthall: Exact Mix Concrete 8x4 Iveco Strator LY13EFK
aecsouthall: Windermere No 2
aecsouthall: Phil Honour 2SPP | Prestwood
aecsouthall: Reiver & Routeman