aecole2010: hepatica bloom
aecole2010: hepatica bloom
aecole2010: pink spring-cress
aecole2010: spring beauty with bug
aecole2010: spring beauties
aecole2010: spring beauty
aecole2010: spring beauties
aecole2010: spring beauties
aecole2010: spring beauty preparing to open
aecole2010: spring beauty close up
aecole2010: hepatica blooms
aecole2010: hepatica bloom with leaf
aecole2010: hepatica blooms
aecole2010: cut leaf toothwort
aecole2010: cut leaf toothwort
aecole2010: spring beauties
aecole2010: blue cohosh blooms
aecole2010: blue cohosh blooms
aecole2010: spring beauties
aecole2010: bee digging in sand
aecole2010: bee digging in sand
aecole2010: wild basil
aecole2010: red tailed hawk
aecole2010: blue gray gnatcatcher building a nest
aecole2010: barred owl young
aecole2010: barred owl
aecole2010: barred owl young scratching
aecole2010: barred owl young
aecole2010: barred owl young
aecole2010: young barred owl