aecole2010: The work crew in front of 1 of 2 large brush piles from the day
aecole2010: Eric and Todd assessing the work area at the beginning of the day
aecole2010: George getting ready to treat a stump
aecole2010: Jackie looking to see which tree to cut next
aecole2010: Melanie with her loppers politely posing for a photo
aecole2010: Andy cutting and George treating the stumps
aecole2010: Melanie and Todd working together to cut and treat the stumps
aecole2010: Eric and the initial brush pile
aecole2010: cicada exoskeleton that was on one of the stumps
aecole2010: Our fearless crew chief keeping us in line. ha ha
aecole2010: knock knock anybody home
aecole2010: The crew hard at work cutting and treating stumps
aecole2010: The beautiful color of the colic root in Dec
aecole2010: The work area as we started the day
aecole2010: The work area after we had done our magic
aecole2010: Jackie looking through the newly cleared area out to the area referred to as the pig farm
aecole2010: Pig farm area in fall after a week of rain
aecole2010: fungus next to remnants of the fall burn near the pig farm
aecole2010: The crew made Angie be in one photo since she tortured them with all the photo taking
aecole2010: The crew heading back from the end of another good work day