The Advocacy Project:
The Second Alafia Mali (Peace in Mali) Quilt
The Advocacy Project:
The First Mali Camel Quilt
The Advocacy Project:
Hump Day by Colleen Ansbaugh
The Advocacy Project:
Cooking at Home by Hope Barton
The Advocacy Project:
Home, Work, Nature by Sue Bates
The Advocacy Project:
Malian Homes by Susan Charles
The Advocacy Project:
In the Fields by Diane Clapes
The Advocacy Project:
A Day in the Life by Tricia Deck
The Advocacy Project:
Food Needed for Life by Barbara Eisenstein
The Advocacy Project:
Camels at the Oasis by Deborah Elouahabi
The Advocacy Project:
Study of a Camel by Ellen Fisher
The Advocacy Project:
Preparing Maize by Ellena Georato
The Advocacy Project:
Bus Ride by Elizabeth Greene
The Advocacy Project:
Safety in numbers
The Advocacy Project:
Under the Tree by Nancy Hershberger
The Advocacy Project:
African Memories by Jackie Heupel
The Advocacy Project:
Bounty of the Village by Janice Jones
The Advocacy Project:
The Giving Tree by Janice Jones
The Advocacy Project:
Freedom by Janice Jones
The Advocacy Project:
For My Sisters by Linda Kim
The Advocacy Project:
May You Pass the Night in Peace by Cathey Lebonte
The Advocacy Project:
Malian Medallion by Eleanor Levie
The Advocacy Project:
At the Heart of the Village by Glenda Mah
The Advocacy Project:
Meal Time by Veronica Mays
The Advocacy Project:
Grinding Maize by Karen McCann
The Advocacy Project:
Carrying Maize by Judy Miller
The Advocacy Project:
Preparing a Meal by Suzanne Munroe
The Advocacy Project:
Cooking by Rhonda O’Keefe
The Advocacy Project:
In the Village by Wendy Overly
The Advocacy Project:
Flight by Kathleen Paduano