The Advocacy Project: 30 second tour
The Advocacy Project: Ten sister artists
The Advocacy Project: Michael Guy and Lori Kartchner from the Textile Museum team
The Advocacy Project: Lori Kartchner
The Advocacy Project: Sheila Freeman, Textile Museum
The Advocacy Project: January 25 museum announcement
The Advocacy Project: January 25 event poster
The Advocacy Project: Taking in the exhibition
The Advocacy Project: Josh, Blake (5) and Keira (3)
The Advocacy Project: Katherine and Edith
The Advocacy Project: Edith Gross
The Advocacy Project: Sneha and Amira
The Advocacy Project: Katherine Wilson
The Advocacy Project: Judy Miller, Bobbi Fitzsimmons and visitor
The Advocacy Project: Taking a break
The Advocacy Project: Allison Wilbur (right)
The Advocacy Project: Ellen and Allison
The Advocacy Project: Josh, Blake and Keira
The Advocacy Project: Enjoying the Salama Mamas quilt from Kenya (left)
The Advocacy Project: Luisa, Iain and Oriana from AP
The Advocacy Project: Nancy Hershberger
The Advocacy Project: Sneha, Amira, Oriana and Luisa from AP
The Advocacy Project: Bobbi Fitzsimmons (right)
The Advocacy Project: Edith and Bobbi
The Advocacy Project: Alima Diarra and Iain Guest
The Advocacy Project: Allison Wilbur from Quilt for Change
The Advocacy Project: Iain from AP
The Advocacy Project: Diane Clapes discusses her quilt
The Advocacy Project: Diane and Edith
The Advocacy Project: Barbara Eisensten and her quilt