The Advocacy Project: Talley Diggs
The Advocacy Project: Iain showing off beautiful advocacy quilts during training
The Advocacy Project: Iain showing off beautiful advocacy quilts during training
The Advocacy Project: Talley meeting Christy Gillmore, who also served as an AP Fellow in Kenya
The Advocacy Project: AP Fellows hard at work during a training session on crowdfunding
The Advocacy Project: Karura Forest
The Advocacy Project: Karura Forest
The Advocacy Project: Karura Forest
The Advocacy Project: Karura Forest
The Advocacy Project: Laughter is a Shared Language
The Advocacy Project: View from a Matatu
The Advocacy Project: Field Work
The Advocacy Project: Peace Begins with Friendship
The Advocacy Project: Roadside Views
The Advocacy Project: Roadtrip Snacks
The Advocacy Project: Free Safari
The Advocacy Project: Selfie with the Director of AP
The Advocacy Project: The Fellow and the Intern
The Advocacy Project: Free Safari
The Advocacy Project: A Peace Offering
The Advocacy Project: Views in Logorate
The Advocacy Project: Mama Caleb's Farm
The Advocacy Project: Shining Star