The Advocacy Project: Ram discussing the report
The Advocacy Project: Ram and Simon
The Advocacy Project: Outside the CoIED
The Advocacy Project: Morning tea
The Advocacy Project: Sarita's mother
The Advocacy Project: Walking through town
The Advocacy Project: Introductions
The Advocacy Project: Sarita leads the workshop on advocacy quilting.
The Advocacy Project: Sarita demonstrates embroidery techniques.
The Advocacy Project: Panu embroiders her husband's name on her square.
The Advocacy Project: One of the most powerful women I have ever met
The Advocacy Project: Leaving the community center
The Advocacy Project: Meeting at School
The Advocacy Project: Preparing for Meeting
The Advocacy Project: Poster of the Disappeared
The Advocacy Project: Seats of Honor
The Advocacy Project: Preparing for Meeting
The Advocacy Project: Telling His Story
The Advocacy Project: Moment of Silence