The Advocacy Project: Rachel Wilson
The Advocacy Project: Traditional Kenyan Food
The Advocacy Project: A Typical Day In the CPI Kenya- Nairobi Office!
The Advocacy Project: Lessons from Monica
The Advocacy Project: Sanitary Pads!
The Advocacy Project: Elias at the Zana Africa Foundation
The Advocacy Project: Kibera at Night
The Advocacy Project: With the Zana Africa Foundation
The Advocacy Project: Bizarre Bazaar
The Advocacy Project: Another Day in the Office
The Advocacy Project: Students at Toi Primary School
The Advocacy Project: Students Discussing Interactions 4 Peace
The Advocacy Project: Toi's Interactions 4 Peace Program
The Advocacy Project: Students at Toi Primary School
The Advocacy Project: Assessing Interactions 4 Peace Program
The Advocacy Project: Olympic Primary School Student
The Advocacy Project: Toi Primary School Student
The Advocacy Project: CPI mobilizing Logorate Primary Students
The Advocacy Project: CPI Directors
The Advocacy Project: Logorate Primary School
The Advocacy Project: We brought panties!
The Advocacy Project: Students Receiving Sanitary Pads
The Advocacy Project: Students Waiting for Sanitary Pads
The Advocacy Project: Longewon Primary School Recipients of Sanitary Pads
The Advocacy Project: Samburu Family
The Advocacy Project: Longewon Market
The Advocacy Project: How to Carry Chickens
The Advocacy Project: Samburu Students
The Advocacy Project: A Samburu County Classroom
The Advocacy Project: Traditional Samburu Mamas