The Advocacy Project: Katie Conlon
The Advocacy Project: Dawn in Nablus
The Advocacy Project: Vegetable Stand, Old City
The Advocacy Project: Shisa, Old City
The Advocacy Project: Date Stand, Old City
The Advocacy Project: Dried Goods, Old City
The Advocacy Project: Sweet Shop
The Advocacy Project: Sweet Stand, Old City
The Advocacy Project: Collecting Clothes
The Advocacy Project: PHF Scouts
The Advocacy Project: Meeting in Asira
The Advocacy Project: The Group in Asira
The Advocacy Project: Park Site in Asira al Shamaliya
The Advocacy Project: Taping a Video
The Advocacy Project: Moving Day at PHF
The Advocacy Project: Maeada and her Daughters
The Advocacy Project: Smiling Faces - August 2015
The Advocacy Project: Campers Play in the Courtyard
The Advocacy Project: Preparing for Lunch
The Advocacy Project: Dabkeh Practice
The Advocacy Project: Dabkeh Practice (2)
The Advocacy Project: Group of Campers
The Advocacy Project: Smiling Faces Group
The Advocacy Project: Tsneen - "The Blood of the Martyrs"
The Advocacy Project: Tsneen - The Plight of Prisoners
The Advocacy Project: Aya - "Palestine"