The Advocacy Project: Getting tech-savvy
The Advocacy Project: Ain Leuh gift cards
The Advocacy Project: The future ahead
The Advocacy Project: An Amazigh miniature tent
The Advocacy Project: Discussing non profit status
The Advocacy Project: Meeting is ongoing
The Advocacy Project: Attempting an artistic shot
The Advocacy Project: Naima poses with her hanbel
The Advocacy Project: Hachmia with her flat weave
The Advocacy Project: Flat weave
The Advocacy Project: You'll never be cold again
The Advocacy Project: Taking measures
The Advocacy Project: Collecting material
The Advocacy Project: Hajjou - a senior member
The Advocacy Project: So you want to start a non-profit?
The Advocacy Project: Masterpiece in progress
The Advocacy Project: Concentration
The Advocacy Project: White and Red
The Advocacy Project: Designing my own rug
The Advocacy Project: Learning ahidous-wedding dance
The Advocacy Project: Selfie with rug
The Advocacy Project: Hachmia picking cherries
The Advocacy Project: For a handful of ... cherries
The Advocacy Project: Waiting for the next taxi
The Advocacy Project: Weaving4advocacy-my first knots