The Advocacy Project: The exhibited products at the stand of the weavers' Cooperative of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: Traditional pile rugs, belts and cushions
The Advocacy Project: Moroccan traditional shoes are also co-produced by the Cooperative
The Advocacy Project: men traditional Jallaba and rugs
The Advocacy Project: 100% Ifran wool Amazigh rugs
The Advocacy Project: Setting up the stand of the Cooperative of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: setting up the stand of the Cooperative of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: Khadija, Drissia and Saadiyya awaiting the customers
The Advocacy Project: Benan adding last touch on the stand of the Cooperative at the Cherry Festival
The Advocacy Project: Setting up the stand of the Cooperative of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: setting up the stand of the Cooperative of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: Setting up the stand of the Cooperative of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: Customers at the Stand of the Cooperative of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: 100% wool scarves
The Advocacy Project: Various stores and products
The Advocacy Project: Wool of the Carpets
The Advocacy Project: the Weekly Market of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: Khadija is bargaining to reach the price
The Advocacy Project: khadijah is cleaning the wool
The Advocacy Project: The road to Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: Moroccan slippers for women
The Advocacy Project: Moroccan Spices
The Advocacy Project: Ali Ben Youssef Madrassa in Marrakech, Morocco
The Advocacy Project: Ain Leuh at Night
The Advocacy Project: Batania (blankets)
The Advocacy Project: My lovely Moroccan little sister Fatima Al Zahra
The Advocacy Project: Star working on a new sewing machine
The Advocacy Project: Islamic Script "Medersa Ben Youssef, Marrakech"
The Advocacy Project: Ain leuh in the morning