The Advocacy Project: The Cooperative's storefront sign
The Advocacy Project: Mehdi enjoys the cherries
The Advocacy Project: Path to the weekly souq of Ain Leuh
The Advocacy Project: Naima in a Amazigh headwrap
The Advocacy Project: Cherries at 5 dirhams a kilo
The Advocacy Project: The cherry festival was held on the soccer field
The Advocacy Project: The Cooperative's booth at the Cherry Festival
The Advocacy Project: The cooperative's second storefront sign
The Advocacy Project: Presentation on Cherries
The Advocacy Project: An example of the cooperative's work
The Advocacy Project: Visiting with
The Advocacy Project: Naima demonstrates how the weavings are made
The Advocacy Project: Khadija and Rashida at the booth
The Advocacy Project: Khadija describes her work to an official from Rabat
The Advocacy Project: Hanging out at the booth
The Advocacy Project: Rashida at the cooperative's booth
The Advocacy Project: Natural Dyes
The Advocacy Project: Media coverage at the cherry festival
The Advocacy Project: Khadija describes her work to the Minister of Agriculture
The Advocacy Project: Detail of a woven textile. ("Lion's Paw")
The Advocacy Project: display at cherry festival
The Advocacy Project: Saw - منشر
The Advocacy Project: Comb - تمشت الفريزي
The Advocacy Project: Fish/Snake Spine -عدم الحوت\الحنش
The Advocacy Project: Grain - شعر - تمزين
The Advocacy Project: Variation on the Lion's Paw motif
The Advocacy Project: The Eye - بو عينين
The Advocacy Project: Cooking surface - شبكة النوطة
The Advocacy Project: Cloth - شاباكوني