The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
Rwanda's Ministry of Justice
The Advocacy Project:
IPHR Legal Aid Clinic - Butare, Rwanda
The Advocacy Project:
Rwanda's Supreme Court
The Advocacy Project:
Rwanda's Supreme Court
The Advocacy Project:
Maitre Paulin - IPHR Founder and Lawyer
The Advocacy Project:
Maitre Paulin Before Trial
The Advocacy Project:
NURC Conference
The Advocacy Project:
NURC Conference
The Advocacy Project:
Intensely Watching the Wedding
The Advocacy Project:
Traditional Rwandan Dancers
The Advocacy Project:
Traditional Rwandan Dancers
The Advocacy Project:
Traditional Rwandan Dancers
The Advocacy Project:
Bride's Women and Men
The Advocacy Project:
Groom's Women and Men
The Advocacy Project:
The Future Couple Share a Drink Together
The Advocacy Project:
Singing about Cows
The Advocacy Project:
Newly Weds
The Advocacy Project:
The Advocacy Project:
The Advocacy Project:
Streets of Butare
The Advocacy Project:
Imvangae, Isombe, and Inagaa
The Advocacy Project:
The Advocacy Project: