The Advocacy Project: Introduction to Quilt
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - First Phase of Training
The Advocacy Project: Used White Straws in Sack
The Advocacy Project: Drum of Used White Straws
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - About to Sort
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Pile of Straws to be Sorted
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Sorting
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Collecting Straws
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Sorting Red
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Bundling Straws
The Advocacy Project: Benedicta and the Dirty White Straws
The Advocacy Project: Washing Straws
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Sterilizing/Cleaning
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Cleaning straws
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Cleaning Straws
The Advocacy Project: Clean White Straws
The Advocacy Project: White Straws Drying
The Advocacy Project: Selecting a Straw to Weave into Mat
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Bundling Straws
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Bundling Straws
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Pressing
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Margaret Demonstrates Pressing
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Pressing
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Trainees Pressing
The Advocacy Project: Manual straw pressing
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Margaret Demonstrates Weaving
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Weaving Close-Up
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Group Weaving
The Advocacy Project: Straw Product Training - Trainees