The Advocacy Project: Reviewing my sample "story telling image"
The Advocacy Project: First quilting planning session
The Advocacy Project: Parako, Beadwork expert
The Advocacy Project: The positive aspects of Maasai culture
The Advocacy Project: Class 6 quilting drawings
The Advocacy Project: Drawing about the "importance of education"
The Advocacy Project: sew happy!
The Advocacy Project: Shona Shanga!
The Advocacy Project: Quilting on the lawn
The Advocacy Project: What is a website?
The Advocacy Project: shanga the lawn
The Advocacy Project: Peyiai wants to be a pilot when she grows up!
The Advocacy Project: "Without education, you must work in the farm"
The Advocacy Project: Charlotte shows examples of quilts to the women
The Advocacy Project: Brave Maasai Women
The Advocacy Project: Storytelling through pictures
The Advocacy Project: Class 6 hard at work!
The Advocacy Project: Drawings for quilting
The Advocacy Project: Discussing the beading
The Advocacy Project: Showing their stories
The Advocacy Project: Discussing the picture
The Advocacy Project: FGM in practice
The Advocacy Project: Bride inheritance
The Advocacy Project: Without a choice
The Advocacy Project: Nowhere to go
The Advocacy Project: Saying no to female circumcision
The Advocacy Project: Traditional Maniata ceremony
The Advocacy Project: The artist
The Advocacy Project: A woman's hard work