The Advocacy Project: Quilt design session at Voice of Roma in Gracanica
The Advocacy Project: Esma works on her design
The Advocacy Project: Susana (R) and Arsida comparing drawing skills
The Advocacy Project: Esma's first depiction of traditional Roma life
The Advocacy Project: Susana getting out giggles before getting to work
The Advocacy Project: Susana took inspiration from the Voice of Roma's pictures of Roma life
The Advocacy Project: Farija's portrait of an idealized Roma woman
The Advocacy Project: Esma with her first drawing
The Advocacy Project: Esma (L) and Farija were designated the official drawers of the group
The Advocacy Project: fabric cutting
The Advocacy Project: Esme drawing
The Advocacy Project: farija drawing
The Advocacy Project: prelim drawings
The Advocacy Project: drawing cooperation
The Advocacy Project: fabric sketch
The Advocacy Project: drawing and stitching
The Advocacy Project: The (almost) entire group of Prizren quilters
The Advocacy Project: Mina - Prizren
The Advocacy Project: Edona - Prizren
The Advocacy Project: Linda - Prizren - Anti-drug square
The Advocacy Project: Ardiana - Prizren - Domestic Violence square
The Advocacy Project: Gylten - Prizren - discrimination, poverty,
The Advocacy Project: Melisa - Prizren - school
The Advocacy Project: Florentina - Prizren - work
The Advocacy Project: G group halfdone
The Advocacy Project: Members of the Pristina-area group and Shpresa Agushi
The Advocacy Project: Esma - Pristina Area - with Mother breastfeeding
The Advocacy Project: Farija - Pristina Area - Woman sweeping
The Advocacy Project: Susana - Pristina Area - Children playing
The Advocacy Project: Djeljana - Pristina Area - tentene