The Advocacy Project: rebeccagerome
The Advocacy Project: IANSA headquarters
The Advocacy Project: Campaign materials
The Advocacy Project: Checking out the information
The Advocacy Project: Discovering the issues
The Advocacy Project: DDV Keychains and bracelets
The Advocacy Project: Signing up to be e-mentors
The Advocacy Project: Checking out the campaign materials
The Advocacy Project: Discovering the campaign
The Advocacy Project: A little live music
The Advocacy Project: Discussing the issue
The Advocacy Project: Explaining the link
The Advocacy Project: Campaign sticker
The Advocacy Project: Global Week of Action Picnic
The Advocacy Project: Sculpture by Local Artist
The Advocacy Project: Sculpture of Woman by Caleño Artist
The Advocacy Project: Sculpture of woman in Cali
The Advocacy Project: Sculpture of Woman by Caleño Artist
The Advocacy Project: Table Legs by Local Artist
The Advocacy Project: Sebastián de Belalcázar, founder of Cali
The Advocacy Project: "Invasiones"
The Advocacy Project: Taking back the city
The Advocacy Project: Reclaiming the bridge
The Advocacy Project: Campaigning
The Advocacy Project: Danger for Women
The Advocacy Project: Raising awareness about women's safety
The Advocacy Project: The center of Cali
The Advocacy Project: Lucy Molina laughing with the interviewer
The Advocacy Project: Chatting with the film crew
The Advocacy Project: Talking to the interviewer