The Advocacy Project: lisa_rogoff
The Advocacy Project: Thanks for the lift Ethiopian Airlines
The Advocacy Project: Kigali Airport
The Advocacy Project: Welcome to Rwanda
The Advocacy Project: Albert and Me
The Advocacy Project: Albert and Innocence
The Advocacy Project: Mutzig with Emmanuel
The Advocacy Project: Precious and Innocence
The Advocacy Project: Albert and Jean-Pierre outside of the AERG office
The Advocacy Project: AERG visits the Kigali Memorial Center
The Advocacy Project: Mass Grave at the Kigali Memorial Center
The Advocacy Project: Placard at the Kigali Memorial Center
The Advocacy Project: Filming Emilienne
The Advocacy Project: Ruhango Genocide Memorial
The Advocacy Project: Woman Testifying at a Gacaca Court
The Advocacy Project: A local gacaca court
The Advocacy Project: A local gacaca court
The Advocacy Project: Inyangamugayos - "People of Integrity"
The Advocacy Project: Village Memorial
The Advocacy Project: A woman accuses a man of stealing her cow at a gacaca hearing
The Advocacy Project: Man defending himself at a Gacaca Court
The Advocacy Project: The judges of gacaca
The Advocacy Project: Gacaca Court
The Advocacy Project: The town of Ruhango
The Advocacy Project: ARCT-Ruhuka
The Advocacy Project: Gardens at ARCT-Ruhuka
The Advocacy Project: Jane Abatoni
The Advocacy Project: Counseling Room at ARCT-Ruhuka