The Advocacy Project: Abancay, Apurímac, Peru
The Advocacy Project: Protests in Abancay
The Advocacy Project: Protests in Abancay
The Advocacy Project: Abancay workshop
The Advocacy Project: Walk to work
The Advocacy Project: Protests in Abancay
The Advocacy Project: Abancay, Apurímac, Peru
The Advocacy Project: OPD Meeting
The Advocacy Project: Road to Abancay
The Advocacy Project: Brooms for youth crime prevention
The Advocacy Project: Carmen Rosas lecture at PUC
The Advocacy Project: Javier Heraud
The Advocacy Project: Cantuta Banner
The Advocacy Project: Photos of the Cantuta Victims
The Advocacy Project: Relatives of the Cantuta Victims
The Advocacy Project: Yuyanapaq: To Remember
The Advocacy Project: First family organization
The Advocacy Project: A disappearance in action
The Advocacy Project: Wrenched from their families
The Advocacy Project: Lima during the violence
The Advocacy Project: More Ronderos
The Advocacy Project: To remember
The Advocacy Project: The dead and the living
The Advocacy Project: Quotations from Guest Book
The Advocacy Project: My apartment building