adunt: diner time.
adunt: so, this is what we've come to?
adunt: CHEERFUL.
adunt: don't cut yourself on the holiday joy.
adunt: Tree Beiber and I think that poodle might be wearing a diaper
adunt: the nudest nutcracker
adunt: roodles.
adunt: SCIENCE.
adunt: Rocco is unsure of tinsel tree.
adunt: melty Rudolph
adunt: melty Santa.
adunt: unicorns, bones, & garland.
adunt: festive!
adunt: I don't know, Gerald Ford, on a rocking horse?
adunt: Brad shows off the goods.
adunt: welcome to my tree, Grover Cleveland.
adunt: usa! usa!
adunt: Brad unpacks a president.
adunt: all white house, all the time.
adunt: classy xmas.
adunt: my pink tinsel tree is more patriotic than your pink tinsel tree.
adunt: snowy lunchtime action.
adunt: 2012-12-06 13.01.51
adunt: 2012-12-06 13.02.09
adunt: 2012-12-06 13.02.59
adunt: 2012-12-06 16.27.07
adunt: 2012-12-06 16.27.23
adunt: 2012-12-06 16.27.50
adunt: 2012-12-06 16.28.00
adunt: 2012-12-06 16.28.12