Dubber: Steve and Debbie of S&D Falconry
Dubber: Baby owls
Dubber: Baby owl on my lap
Dubber: Baby owl eating my t-shirt
Dubber: Baby owl and me
Dubber: The baby owl that climbed on me
Dubber: Bubble and Squeak
Dubber: Bubble (or possibly Squeak)
Dubber: Bubble and Squeak - baby owl siblings
Dubber: Sad little owl
Dubber: Catching food in flight
Dubber: Catching food in flight
Dubber: In flight
Dubber: Banking
Dubber: Low flying killing machine
Dubber: Manouevering
Dubber: Michela and owl
Dubber: Attitude
Dubber: In conversation
Dubber: Falconry enthusiast
Dubber: Owl fancier
Dubber: Owl
Dubber: Hooded
Dubber: Closeup
Dubber: Me and the hawk
Dubber: IMG_6563
Dubber: IMG_6559
Dubber: IMG_6551
Dubber: IMG_6542
Dubber: IMG_6539