Dubber: Asher, Shay and Zac ready for penguins
Dubber: Scott's Antarctic hut (replica)
Dubber: Scott's Antarctic hut (replica)
Dubber: Scott's Antarctic hut (replica)
Dubber: PENGUIN!!!
Dubber: PENGUIN!!!
Dubber: PENGUIN!!!
Dubber: Molting teenager
Dubber: What are you looking at?
Dubber: Penguins like to look up
Dubber: Please do not finger gun the penguins
Dubber: Hello small people...
Dubber: Penguin welcome
Dubber: Penguin karaoke
Dubber: You are banished!
Dubber: Don't even look at him.
Dubber: But where shall I go?
Dubber: Jelly fish
Dubber: Manta ray
Dubber: Fish
Dubber: Fish
Dubber: Manta ray
Dubber: A penguin named Zac
Dubber: Turtle rider
Dubber: That time my sister and her children were eaten by a shark
Dubber: Shay and the ray
Dubber: In the aquarium
Dubber: Shark!
Dubber: Shark!
Dubber: Eel