Dubber: Alabatross theatre
Dubber: Medium sized bird in tufty grass with tiny cute birdling
Dubber: Birds, this way
Dubber: Kiwi (lesser brown spotted)
Dubber: Man standing next to a moa
Dubber: Some wattlebirds
Dubber: Bird on a black background
Dubber: Not a bird
Dubber: A parroty bird. Kea, I imagine.
Dubber: Bird behind glass. Takahe, by the looks of things
Dubber: Bird stripping bark to make basket-weaving material
Dubber: Badly-judged landing proves embarrassing
Dubber: Bird eating berries of some sort
Dubber: This is a bird
Dubber: Bird
Dubber: A bird of some kind
Dubber: Giant emperor penguin
Dubber: Baby ostrich
Dubber: Dinosaur bones
Dubber: Elephant