Dubber: Half Moon Bay Marina
Dubber: Mum and Dad on the ferry
Dubber: Bucklands Beach, as seen from the ferry
Dubber: Browns Island
Dubber: Rangitoto
Dubber: P-class yachts (I think)
Dubber: New Zealand's entire naval fleet at the ready
Dubber: Auckland harbour bridge from the ferry
Dubber: Auckland with cruise liner
Dubber: Auckland Ferry terminal
Dubber: Andrew Andrew
Dubber: A decent cup of coffee, Viaduct Basin
Dubber: A yacht
Dubber: View from the ferry
Dubber: Scenery
Dubber: Rangitoto
Dubber: Rangitoto
Dubber: The easier way
Dubber: The easier way
Dubber: Rangitoto shoreline
Dubber: Wooden hut
Dubber: Seagull at the beach
Dubber: Lunch with a seagull
Dubber: Volcanic rock and plants
Dubber: The track
Dubber: Volcanic rock and plants
Dubber: Volcanic rock and plants
Dubber: Track to the summit
Dubber: Volcanic rock and plants
Dubber: Scenery