Dubber: The wrong side of the tracks
Dubber: Uncertain about trams
Dubber: Lost in Zagreb
Dubber: Lost in Zagreb
Dubber: Exploring Zagreb
Dubber: Markets in the upper town
Dubber: Markets in the upper town
Dubber: Locals with statue
Dubber: Markets in the upper town
Dubber: Markets in the upper town
Dubber: Markets in the upper town
Dubber: Cathedral with guardian angels
Dubber: Cathedral
Dubber: Cathedral
Dubber: At the cathedral
Dubber: Guardian angels
Dubber: Armory by the cathedral
Dubber: Cathedral
Dubber: Odbor
Dubber: Cathedral with guardian angels
Dubber: Angry walking man in a garden
Dubber: Exploring Zagreb
Dubber: Exploring Zagreb
Dubber: Exploring Zagreb
Dubber: Exploring Zagreb markets
Dubber: Man reading the paper
Dubber: Flower markets, musician statue, cathedral
Dubber: Exploring Zagreb
Dubber: Exploring Zagreb
Dubber: St George. Croatian, you know...