Dubber: View from my hotel room
Dubber: View from my hotel room
Dubber: Hotel staircase stained glass
Dubber: Hotel
Dubber: The bridge by the hotel
Dubber: Drinks with Jez, Paul & Andrea
Dubber: Paul explains the project
Dubber: Jonathon works while listening
Dubber: Paul's presentation about the project
Dubber: Steve, Jez & Andrea
Dubber: Emilia and the Bulgarian students
Dubber: Paul explains the project
Dubber: Meeting with Bulgarian students
Dubber: Sunrise from the hotel
Dubber: Sunrise from the hotel
Dubber: Sunrise from the hotel
Dubber: Borok = Wine
Dubber: Bullet holes
Dubber: Tour guide from the Almost Famous school
Dubber: Jez and bike
Dubber: Cyclists Fruzsina & Andrea
Dubber: Cyclist Jonathan
Dubber: Budapest by bike
Dubber: A38
Dubber: Bikes parked, we walk to A38
Dubber: Jonathan, Andrea & Jez
Dubber: Visiting A38
Dubber: A38 boat / bar / venue / gallery / restaurant
Dubber: A38 tour
Dubber: Engine room / backstage area